Friday, February 1, 2013

Spotlight: Student Injuries

A recent article on an Austin-area news website reported that two elementary schools had issues in their school cafeterias when glass panels commonly referred to as “sneeze guards” shattered. In one instance a student was allegedly injured by glass shards from the breaking glass.
The school district, in a news release, stated that no students were harmed by the accident, but the student’s father said his son came home with lacerations. He also claimed that his son pulled a piece of glass out of his mouth while eating his lunch, and showed a cafeteria worker, but it was not stated whether the incident was reported. To read more about the cafeteria incident, click here.
In this situation, if the district had PublicSchoolWORKS’ Student Accident Reporting System, the cafeteria worker could have filed  a comprehensive, online accident report recording exactly what happened, including which students were involved and the extent of their injuries (regardless of how minor they were), the time of the incident, as well as if there were any witnesses. The system would then immediately notify the designated site-level and/or district-level administrators prompting them with steps to take to ensure that the incident is handled properly mandates.

The Student Accident Reporting System ensures that all student accidents are handled correctly and promptly, allowing for quicker and more effective solutions to be enacted. Without the Student Accident Reporting System, there may be discrepancies about the nature of the incident or the students’ injuries, resulting in ineffective investigations or potential legal concerns.

To learn more about how your district can use the Student Accident Reporting System, email 
When former Miramonte Elementary School teacher Martin Springer bailed out of jail -- accused of lewd conduct with a child -- he was ordered to wear a GPS monitoring unit around his ankle. NBC4's Toni Guinyard takes a look at the technology.

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